Illegal Immigration: Boat overturned, bodies washed up in the swamp, Indian family dies while illegally entering Canada

Montreal: Several bodies lie face down in the swamp. Canada was shocked to see the picture. An Indian family was also among the dead. The body was recovered at the US-Canada border. It is assumed that the death occurred while trying to enter Canada illegally across the border (Illegal Immigration).

Police found an overturned boat in the swamps of the US-Canada border.

On the US-Canada border, a total of six bodies were recovered from the swamp. One of the dead had a Canadian passport, of Romanian origin. The rest are said to be Indians. A three-year-old child is among the dead, according to Canadian police (US-Canada Border). While picking up, it is seen that several bodies are lying. Later, the Canadian police held a press conference and revealed the identities of the dead. The boat was reported missing from a Mohawk man near Ontario.

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One of the six dead was Romanian and the other five were Indian, Canadian police said. Five are adults again. A three-year-old child is also among the dead.  It is assumed that they were trying to enter Canada illegally through America.

The Mohawks are actually tribal people in Canada. They spread across the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. They also live in New York, America. An investigation has started on how the six people boarded their boat. While driving, a body is first spotted in the swamp. All six bodies have been sent for post-mortem. It is being seen whether their bodies were poisoned. The Canadian police claims that the cases of illegal entry into Canada through America have increased recently. There have been 48 reported cases of illegal entry since the beginning of the new year.

The individual identities of the bodies recovered from the US-Canada border have not yet been released. It is not known whether they entered Canada directly from India via America. But there are concerns about the trend of Indians leaving the country. According to the central government, in 2021, 1 lakh 63 thousand 370 Indians renounced their citizenship and moved to other countries.

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