Bird Flu in Milk: Bird Flu Residues in Milk, Scary New Report

Bird Flu in Milk: Bird Flu Residues in Milk, Scary New Report

Bird Flu in Cow Milk: A sensational report by the  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America‌ released. Pasteurized‌ It has been revealed that the remains of bird flu have been found in milk. It has been clarified that some samples have been tested and bird flu has been detected in them. However, it has been said that there is no danger in consuming that milk and the full results of these tests are yet to come. Doctors have already identified the H5N1 strain of bird flu in cows in several states. This is the first time that there are signs of this virus in cows. Bird flu virus is causing concern in at least 8 states so far. The  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is taking measures to control this flu as quickly as possible. But…Bird‌ Flu residue is simply pasteurized‌ She explained that they were found only in milk. It revealed that PCR method was followed to test this milk. As long as it is positive, there is virus in that milk. It is clear that it cannot be assumed to be active and a decision can be taken only after the full results are received."Currently, this flu has been found in pasteurized milk in some places. However…pasteurization makes the virus less likely to be active. It is not possible to think that it will be completely free of flu. However, flu was detected only in these milks. There is no problem with the milk being supplied to the people. There is no flu in it. After doing various studies, a full-scale report will be made in a few weeks. We will provide"

– FDA officials


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