New Year 2023: A kick to the drug addicts.. Two days of festival.. Liquor sales till midnight..

New Year’s Eve is full of excitement. The youth is making big plans to welcome the new year. In this order, the Jagan government in Andhra Pradesh has given good news to drug addicts. It was revealed on Saturday that the working hours of liquor shops have been extended on the occasion of New Year. On December 31 and January 1, the order was issued allowing the sale of liquor till one o’clock in the night. According to the latest orders, while government liquor shops will be open till 12 midnight, bars and restaurants will remain open till 1 midnight. However, the sale of liquor is allowed only till 9 pm every day in AP. But, on the occasion of New Year, Wines has issued an order extending the hours of the shop. Drug addicts are happy about Jagan government’s decision.

If this is the case.. Last year the medicine shops were closed at 10 pm.. but this year the decision has been taken to increase the time. With this, there is a possibility of a huge increase in liquor sales in AP.

Police have already imposed restrictions on New Year celebrations in many cities and towns of the state. In the name of celebrations, they have issued a warning that strict action will be taken if people do rash driving and ruckus on the roads under the influence of alcohol. Besides.. Drunk and drive checks will also be carried out.

It is known that the Telangana government has already extended the opening hours of liquor shops, bars and restaurants. Liquor is allowed to be sold till one o'clock.

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