Taliban Ban On Women: Now the Taliban government has banned women from going to restaurants, know what is the reason

Taliban Ban On Women In Restaurants: Taliban is in power in Afghanistan for the last one year. Since the arrival of the Taliban, the condition of women in Afghanistan is getting worse. Now the Taliban government on Monday (April 10) banned the entry of families and women to restaurants with gardens or green spaces in Afghanistan’s Herat province.

The Taliban government took this decision after a complaint was made by the clerics. The clerics said in their complaint that there has been a crowd of men and women at such places. Afghan officials said that restrictions were imposed because of not wearing hijab and being in one place of men and women. So far, the ban only applies to restaurants with green spaces in Herat province.
Women banned from restaurants
Actually, outdoor The dining ban only applies to restaurants in Herat that are open to men. Baz Mohammad Nazir, a deputy official at the Directorate of Ministry and Virtue in Herat, denied media reports that not all restaurants were restricted to families and women, reports Fox News.

He said, we completely reject such things. This only applies to restaurants with green areas, such as parks, where men and women can mix. After repeated complaints from clerics and common people, we set limits and stopped women from entering these restaurants.

The Taliban have imposed bans before
Azizurrahman al-Muhajir, deputy and head of the Directorate of Virtue in Herat, said it was like a park but he named it a restaurant where men And the women used to come together. Thank god it has been fixed now. Also, our auditors will also be checking all the parks where men and women go.

Taliban assumed power in August 2021. Since then, many types of bans have been imposed on women by the Taliban. Now this restaurant ban is new. Prior to this, the Taliban have barred girls from attending classes beyond the sixth grade and women from university.

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Taliban: Women-run radio station restarted in Afghanistan, action was taken on playing music in Ramadan

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