Farmers cultivating opium poppy in their orchards, 8% growth this year

New Delhi: Taliban-held Afghanistan’s Kandahar province is known for its fruits and nuts, but its identity is now in crisis. The main reason for this is water scarcity and drought in the state. Instead of pomegranates and other fruits, farmers are now turning to poppy cultivation.

According to the English newspaper ‘The New York Times’ Abdul Hamid, who has been cultivating pomegranates till now, said that the water in the rivers has dried up. In total, we have taken a step towards new farming.

Hamid has uprooted more than 800 pomegranate saplings from his orchard, he said. Lack of rainfall and declining water have made it impossible to irrigate the fields within a year. Many orchard plants have dried up due to lack of water.

Fight with Taliban Due to b He has not received any government assistance for over a year now. In this case, he seems to be benefiting only from poppy cultivation. Like Hamid, other farmers are also destroying their orchards to cultivate opium poppy. According to the United Nations, Afghanistan produces more than 80 percent of the world’s opium. Its production has increased since the fall of the Taliban. An increase of.

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