Crop Damage: Rain and hail caused havoc in these 3 states, wheat crop suffered the most.

Wheat Production: Last year the drought season was troublesome for the farmers. This time, heavy rain, hail and strong winds have caused a lot of damage to the farmers. This time, record production of wheat was expected in the country, but the rain has spoiled the game of the farmers. Record rainfall has been recorded in many states this year. Along with this, the wheat crop has also suffered a lot. Farmers are demanding compensation from the government.

Wheat crop damaged in these 3 states

According to media reports, the recent unseasonal Rain and hail. Its maximum impact has been seen in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. Up to 50 percent of the wheat crop has been destroyed in these three states. Crops have been severely damaged in many districts of Punjab. This figure has increased to more than 70 percent. This time wheat production is likely to decrease.

Ministry of Agriculture will assess the damage

Centre regarding crop damage due to rain and hailstorm in states. And state governments have become serious. The Ministry of Agriculture may conduct a survey of crop damage in the states. This work of survey will be completed with the help of state governments. The Ministry of Agriculture has expressed apprehension that the production of 10 lakh tonnes of wheat may be reduced due to rain and hail this year. For the season 2022-23, the Center has set a wheat production target of 112.18 million tonnes. But looking at the damage, it seems difficult to pursue the target.

Compensation will be given only after the report

Damage in Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab. Orders have been given to start the survey. Official officials of the state government will conduct a crop damage survey in every village. This will be followed by a damage assessment report. Based on that, the farmers will be compensated.

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