Video: Imran Khan was seen performing Umrah with Bushra Bibi, holding the hand of the mysterious Begum in the Kaaba of Mecca

Imran Khan is on a visit to Saudi Arabia. He will attend the opening ceremony of the Middle East Green Initiative (MGI) conference in Riyadh and hold talks with Saudi leaders. Imran Khan reached Jeddah on Saturday night with a government delegation and performed Umrah on Sunday morning. In a video, Imran Khan is seen performing Umrah with his Begum Bushra Bibi at the Masjid of Mecca. Many of his pictures have been shared on social media.

In the pictures, Imran Khan is seen holding the hand of his beloved Bushra Bibi in the Kaaba during Umrah. According to Pakistan’s PMO, Imran Khan had earlier reached Medina where he was received by the Deputy Governor of Medina Prince Saud bin Khalid Al-Faisal. After this Imran also went to Roza-e-Rasool where he offered Namaz. According to a statement from Pakistan’s Foreign Office, the Prime Minister has been invited by Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Bushra Bibi’s old relationship with controversies
“The Prime Minister is accompanied by a high-level delegation including Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and other cabinet members to Saudi Arabia,” the statement said. Bushra Bibi, the secret wife of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan, has been in constant controversy over the appointment of the chief of the country’s infamous intelligence agency ISI. According to Pakistani media, it is Bushra Bibi because of whom Imran Khan is constantly postponing the appointment of ISI Chief and taking hostility from the army.
Video: Imran Khan entered Pakistan after losing the match to India, hiding in the dark for fear of being beaten up
Imran works at the behest of his wife
Bushra Bibi enjoys the status of a ‘Pir’ in Pakistan and is known for practicing witchcraft. Whether Bushra Bibi is really a pir or not is not known but she has proved to be very lucky for Imran Khan. It is being told that at the behest of Bushra Bibi, Imran Khan wants Asif Ghafoor to be made the ISI chief in place of Lieutenant General Nadeem Anjum, the choice of the army chief.


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