Travel blogger jailed for 7 months for photographing Chinese soldiers killed in Galvan Valley

New Delhi: China has sentenced a travel blogger to seven months in prison. The travel blogger has been accused of insulting Chinese soldiers. It may be recalled that last year there was a clash between Indian and Chinese troops in Galvan Valley. Initially, China denied any wrongdoing. Later it was believed that he too had suffered casualties, then a tomb was also built in memory of the martyred soldiers.

The travel blogger took some pictures near the tomb of the martyred Chinese soldiers. The travel blogger has been accused of insulting the dignity of soldiers. The verdict was handed down by a local court in Pishan County, in the Xinjiang Uyghur region of northwestern China. It has also been ordered that the travel blogger should publicly apologize within 10 days.

The blogger’s name is Lee Kixian. She is active on social media under the name Xiaoxian Jayson. He had gone to this Samadhi on July 15. This martyrdom memorial is located in Karakoram hill area. It is alleged that he climbed on the stone on which the name of the monument is inscribed. It is also alleged that he was standing near the graves of the martyred soldiers, smiling and at the same time holding a pistol in his hand and pointing towards the tomb.

Lee Kijian’s protest began. An inquiry was ordered on July 22. He has now been convicted and sentenced to seven months in prison.

20 Indian soldiers martyred in Galwan Valley
Tensions remain high between the Indian and Chinese armies in the Galwan area of ​​Ladakh. Meetings were held to improve the situation. Even after obeying India, China did not back down. Gradually, things got worse, and then the two armies clashed. Twenty soldiers, including Col. B. Santosh Babu, India’s commanding officer, were killed."im">

China had earlier said it had suffered no casualties in the clashes but later agreed to kill four soldiers. However, China’s loss was even greater. Russia’s TASS news agency also said that at least 45 Chinese soldiers had been killed in Galvan.

Had to come Otherwise he would have wanted to hide the information earlier. India, on the other hand, reported the damage and the bodies of the soldiers were returned to their families with full respect.

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