The world, including America, expressed concern over the coup in Sudan

Cairo, Oct 25 (AP) Countries around the world, including the United States, have expressed concern over the military coup in Sudan. The US has said that leaders associated with the coup move in Sudan are downplaying the importance of the country’s democratic transformation and should soften their stance.

The US embassy in Sudan said on Twitter on Monday that the declaration of a state of emergency by Sudan’s premier general and the dissolution of the ruling body consisting of military and civilian leaders is a matter of “grave concern”.

The embassy called on the parties obstructing change in Sudan to ease their stance and allow the civilian-led transitional government to continue the important work to achieve the goals of the revolution.

The US embassy’s remarks are a reference to the massive protests that led to the overthrow of long-time dictator Omar al-Bashir in 2019 and the establishment of a ruling council to steer the country toward democratic elections. played an important role.

Earlier, special US envoy for the Horn of Africa Jeffrey Feltman said on Monday that Washington was “deeply concerned” about developments and that a military coup could disrupt US aid to Sudan.

The ‘Horn of Africa’ includes Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia.

European Union foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell tweeted on Monday that the news of the detention of several senior government officials, including the interim prime minister, by military forces in Sudan is “extremely worrying” and that he is in the north-east African nation. Keeping an eye on the events.

The US Bureau of African Affairs wrote on Twitter: “As we have said time and again, any force majeure change in the transitional government could impact US aid.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has also expressed concern over the developments in Sudan. “France strongly condemns the attempted coup,” he tweeted.

Meanwhile, the Norwegian Refugee Council called on Sudan’s rulers to protect civilians in the midst of military occupation in the East African country and called for free humanitarian access to help the millions of people displaced by years of war. are gone.

China has urged various factions of the country to communicate with each other on the developments in Sudan.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday that China wants all sides in Sudan to “settle their differences through dialogue so as to maintain peace and stability in the country.”

The Saudi Arabia-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation has also expressed concern over developments in Sudan.

In a statement to the state-run Saudi Press Agency, the organization said it has asked Sudanese leaders to abide by the constitutional document.

Germany has called for an immediate halt to the military coup in Sudan. The country’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, condemned the military occupation attempt in the East African country and called the news “disappointing”.

The United Nations Mission on Sudan has also condemned the related developments.

The Arab League has also expressed serious concern over the developments in Sudan. Ahmed Abul Gheit, the general secretary of the 22-member group, urged all parties in the country to “fully comply” with the constitutional declaration signed in August 2019.

In a related development in Sudan, the country’s premier general on Monday declared a state of emergency in the country. Hours earlier, his army arrested caretaker Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok in a coup d’état and cut internet services.

General Abdul Fattah Burhan announced on television that the country’s ruling Autonomous Council and the government led by Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok were being dissolved. He said squabbles between political factions forced the military to intervene, but vowed to complete the democratic process in the country and said the new government would hold elections in Sudan.

Thousands took to the streets in the capital Khartoum and the nearby city of Omderman to protest the military’s capture of power.

The news comes amid efforts to form a democratic government that has been going on for more than two years after former autocratic ruler Omar al-Bashir was ousted from power.

The development comes as Burhan was about to hand over the leadership of the ruling Provisional Council to the civilian government. Since the ouster of al-Bashir, the government has been run by an autonomous council consisting of leaders from both the military and civilian sectors. They had considerable differences of opinion on a number of issues and the pace of adoption of the democratic process in Sudan.

AP Netrapal Dileep



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