Covid-19 in Russia: Corona cases in Russia are breaking records every day, 1241 people died due to infection in 24 hours


  • Corona cases in Russia are increasing every day at a record level
  • So far 40 percent of the population has been vaccinated
  • 1241 people died of infection in Russia in 24 hours

Cases of Kovid-19 in Russia are breaking a record every day. Due to the ever-increasing infection, the total number of epidemic cases in Russia has crossed 9 million. The number of daily cases of infection coming to Russia since mid-September decreased last week, but it has registered an increase again. Russia’s national coronavirus task force said on Saturday that 1,241 people had died of the infection, two more than Wednesday’s.

More than 39 thousand cases of infection in 24 hours
The task force said that 39,256 new cases of infection have been registered, taking the total number of epidemic cases in the country to over 9 million. Russia closed several industries in early November to prevent the virus from spreading. A bill related to the new restrictions was introduced in Parliament on Friday, which is likely to come into force from next year.

There were a record 986 deaths due to Covid-19 in Russia in one day, so did Corona start growing again in the world?
In Russia, 40 percent of the population has got the Kovid vaccine
Infections and deaths have increased in the country amid low rates of anti-Covid-19 vaccination. Less than 40 percent of Russia’s population has received a full dose of the vaccine. The Korana Virus Task Force has reported a total of more than 2,54,000 people have died in the country, which is the highest number of dead in Europe so far. Some experts believe that the death toll is much higher than this.

A record 968 people died in one day due to corona virus infection in Russia, what is the reason for this increase?
Why are the cases of corona increasing in Russia?
At the same time, Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine is being supplied to 67 countries of the world, including India. Despite this, fear has started spreading in Russia due to increasing cases of corona virus. It is believed that the slow pace of corona vaccination, the negligence of the people and the government, the new strain of corona are responsible for this.


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