Cases of a new form of corona virus ‘Omicron’ have been reported in many countries of the world.

The Hague, Nov 29 (AP) After cases of the new form of Kovid-19 ‘Omicron’ were reported in many more countries of the world, many governments have taken steps like closing the borders of their respective countries, while scientists say that It is not yet clear whether this form of the virus is more dangerous than the earlier forms.

The new form was identified a few days ago by researchers in South Africa and so far no information is available on whether it is more contagious or makes a patient seriously ill or negates the effect of its vaccine. But many countries have taken precautionary measures. More than 5 million people have died worldwide due to the Kovid-19 pandemic.

Israel has decided to ban the entry of foreigners. Morocco said it would suspend all incoming flights from Monday for the next two weeks. Scientists from many places from Hong Kong to Europe and North America have identified the presence of this form.

On Sunday, 13 cases of Omicron were reported in the Netherlands. After this, two cases each were reported from Canada and Australia. The World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested not closing the borders, in view of the number of new cases reported in many countries and the limited effect of steps such as border closure.

Dr Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health in the US, has emphasized that there is currently no information available that Omicron is more dangerous than earlier forms of Kovid-19.

Collins told CNN channel that he thinks it is more contagious, given the rapid spread of cases in various districts of South Africa, but it is not yet known whether it is as dangerous as the delta form of the virus. .

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on Monday that Japan is considering measures to increase border controls. Kishida told reporters he plans to announce new measures for travelers arriving from South Africa and eight other nearby countries in addition to mandatory 10 days of quarantine. Japan still has banned tourists from any other country from coming here.

The US plans to impose travel restrictions on South Africa and seven other South African countries from Monday. America’s top infectious disease specialist Dr Anthony Fauci told ‘This Week’ of ‘ABC’ that this will provide an opportunity to increase preparedness.

The government of South Africa has objected to the travel restrictions. The WHO said in a statement that it “stands with African countries”. The apex health organization said that travel restrictions may partially play a role in slowing the spread of Kovid-19, but it has a major impact on people and their livelihoods.

AP Sneha



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