Car Show Room Manager Murder: Unknown helpers used to slit Ranjeet’s throat as a friend, murdered him by calling him on the pretext of a party

Police have got important clues in the murder of Ranjit Khare, the manager of a car showroom located at Sikandra Bypass, Agra. According to sources, the stranger helpers first befriended Ranjit. Called only after 24 hours on the pretext of a party to rob. Sitting in the car, he slit his throat. After this they threw the dead body, looted what they found. Police may reveal the incident soon.


dead body was found in morena

Ranjit Khare, a resident of Sabzi Mandi in Moti Katra, went missing on the night of 18 October. His body was found in Morena on October 19. He was identified by the car showroom tag on the shirt. He was murdered with his throat slit. His mobile, purse, car and other documents were not found. On October 20, his car was found parked outside the Fort station. The number plate of the car was kept inside.

Case was registered on the order of ADG

On October 22, on the orders of ADG Zone, a case was registered at Sikandra police station. The police investigated. It seemed that the close had killed. The police had found many numbers in the call details of the mobile. The police got involved in the investigation. After this the police got the clues.


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