It doesn’t matter if you don’t get married, have children – shocking decision of the rulers, you know somewhere?

Having children other than children is considered a very serious crime. This is unacceptable in almost all countries. In some western countries it is allowed to have children while cohabiting. But some countries take this very seriously. Because.. there is a concern that a couple who have children out of wedlock will not be responsible for them, and if the relationship between them is broken, the children will become orphans.. or, there is also a concern that children may become a burden to one of the two. Hence, in China there is a law against having children without marriage. If children are born out of wedlock, the government will not even issue birth certificates in their names. The couple is eligible only if they get married after having children. In this context, China’s Sichuan Province‌ The rulers took a crucial decision. Ban on having children out of wedlock was lifted. It has been announced that couples who are no longer married can register their children’s details for government schemes and certificates. That is why a local media announced that the law requiring couples to be married to register the birth of a child has been removed. The Health Commission of Sichuan Province has announced that it is simplifying the process of birth registration of children from February 15. It states that couples who give birth to children out of wedlock will no longer have to register their births. 

China’s population has fallen to the lowest level in the last 60 years of Chinese history. China’s government announced on January 17 that in 2022, 9.56 million people were born and the number of deaths exceeded 10.41 million. It has been revealed that the birth rate in China has been decreasing since the last six years. Within a week of these reports, Sichuan Province‌ It is noteworthy that the rulers took this decision. However, anticipating this loss, China also lifted the rule that a couple should have only one child. It has announced a policy that every couple will have at least two children from 2021. However, Chinese people are interested in settling down with one child. It is said that it is difficult to support two children due to financial problems.. It is said that only one is married. 
However, the decision taken by the Sichuan government has become controversial. There are allegations that this decision taken by the local rulers encourages extra-marital relations and encourages children to be born without the need for marriage. Instead, they are demanding to introduce schemes to help single fathers or single mothers. Currently this provision is limited to the Sichuan region. In other parts of China, the same old policies are in place. The female employees must show their marriage certificate to take maternity leave. Women who get pregnant out of wedlock are not provided with that facility.  

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