Bald Head: A Link to Baldness and Masculinity? Are they kings in the bedroom?

Bald Head: A Link to Baldness and Masculinity?  Are they kings in the bedroom?

Baldness.. not only physically, but also mentally. However, a rumor has been doing the rounds recently that bald people do well with their partners in the bedroom. Is there a link between baldness and masculinity? Baldness is truly king in the bedroom. Are you excited? What do medical experts say about this? 

It is not a matter of saying that bald men are a gift and that they make their partner very comfortable in the bed room.. There has been a debate on this for a few centuries. There is a rumor that bald people have higher testosterone levels and therefore bald people are better at it. In this context, researchers have tried to find out how true this is. In the end, the water was sprinkled.

The link between baldness and sexual power?

Researchers have made it clear that baldness has nothing to do with sexual power. It is clarified that loss of hair does not increase masculinity. A doctor from UK spoke to the media. Masculinity actually depends on many factors. This includes sexual health and fertility. He said that for all these to be better, physical, mental and lifestyle factors play a vital role. However, there is no scientific evidence to say that baldness improves masculinity. 

There are many reasons for baldness

According to the details stated by the American Hair Loss Association.. in the world 85 percent of men suffer from hair loss by the age of 50. Many factors can cause baldness. If someone in the family has baldness, it can also be passed on to their descendants. Also, severe stress, eating habits, illness, weight loss etc. can cause baldness due to many reasons. 

Sexually active baldness?

Dihydrotestosterone A genetic deficiency of a testosterone byproduct called (DHT) can also cause hair loss. A recent study published in the Medical Journal of Australia also addressed the issue of sexuality in balding men. She concluded that baldness has nothing to do with masculinity. Balding men are less likely to have had sex with more than four women in their lifetime, says a new study. Another interesting thing is that the chances of baldness increase among youth who engage in excessive sexual activities between the ages of 18 and 20. It is because of this survey that the campaign that bald men have more sexual power has gained momentum. It is not a substitute for medical professional advice. Be sure to include this food in your diet only after consulting a doctor or a nutritionist. This information is for your information only.

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