Hair fall: Does looking at the phone cause hair fall? If you do this too, beware, the researchers said shocking things

Hair fall: Does looking at the phone cause hair fall?  If you do this too, beware, the researchers said shocking things

Hair loss can have many causes. Some people experience hair fall due to stress, some due to genetics, some due to various health issues. Do you spend hours on the phone searching for remedies with hair loss anxiety? But it can also be another reason for hair loss, be careful! Wondering? We know that using phones for long hours is not good for health, but studies say that the risk of hair loss is also higher for those who are new to screen time. We must recognize that this is the cause of hair fall and also various health problems. Apart from blue light, researches say that people who talk with the phone next to their ear for hours can also cause hair loss due to radiation. According to a study published by Trichology, people who talk for hours with the phone next to their ear are found to experience hair fall. The radiation coming from the phone is very dangerous. Researchers say that this is also the cause of hair loss.

Radiation is ok.. How does blue light cause hair loss?

Once you open Instagram, you don't know how many hours you will scroll while watching the reels. If there is any interesting series on Netflix, there are more people who do not sit all night and binge watch it. This is the problem with screen time. It is becoming an addiction. There is no big difference. Everyone is glued to the screens. 

Once we open Instagram, we don't know how many hours we scroll watching the reels. If there is any interesting series on Netflix, there are more people who do not sit all night and binge watch it. This is the problem with screen time. It is becoming an addiction. There is no big difference. Everyone is glued to the screens. The blue light emitted from the screen is causing mental problems like insomnia, stress and depression. So hair loss is not the only thing. Skin art is lost. Health problems like overweight also come.

The blue light emitted from the screen reduces the production of melatonin, a natural sleep hormone. This causes sleep problems. Additionally, high stress causes the release of cortisol, the stress hormone, in excess. This hormone reduces the growth of hair follicles. Therefore, if stress is not reduced, hair falls. 

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