Big relief, little trouble: one part of Chirag Delhi flyover opened, second carriageway half closed for 15 days

Friday brought great relief for the people facing the problem of jam on Chirag Delhi Flyover. The first carriageway (Nehru Place to IIT) which was closed here for repairs has now been opened for motorists.

At the same time, in view of the problems of the drivers, the second carriageway has also been closed to half, due to which the speed of the vehicles has slowed down, but they do not have to wait for a long time to move forward.

The PWD started repair work on the Chirag Delhi flyover from March 12. In the first phase, the PWD carried out work on the carriageway from Nehru Place towards IIT. Earlier this carriageway was closed for 25 days, but on the instructions of the government, the work was expedited and the work was completed in 19 days. This carriageway was opened for vehicular movement from Friday.

The PWD started the repair work on the second carriageway from Friday. To reduce inconvenience to the public, half of the carriageway has been closed, while vehicular movement is continuing on the other half. Due to this, more than one kilometer long queue of vehicles (in the direction of IIT to Nehru Place) was seen on Friday. Private security personnel have also been deployed along with the traffic police at the beginning of the flyover. From here heavy vehicles are being taken out from under the flyover, while other vehicles are being allowed from above. Two lanes of traffic are coming out of this carriageway.

Effect seen on other routes as well

With the opening of the first carriageway of the Chirag Delhi flyover, relief was seen on both the other routes as well. The vehicles coming from Moolchand side have to wait for 5 to 6 minutes at the red light while the vehicles coming from Khanpur side are taking 8 to 10 minutes to cross the red light. On the other hand, vehicles going from IIT to Nehru Place are also taking about 10 minutes to cross the Chirag Delhi flyover.

will be fully open from 16

Traffic police sources said that the ongoing work on the second carriageway is likely to be completed within 15 to 16 days. The PWD has instructed the contractor to complete the work as soon as possible. According to the laborers working on the spot, the repair work in this carriageway is less as compared to the first carriageway, so they are hopeful that they will complete this work by April 15 to 16.

use an alternate route

To save the drivers from the jam, the traffic police has put up boards at various places and advised people to use alternative routes. IIT to Nehru Place and Greater Kailash can be accessed from Panchsheel flyover via August Kranti Marg, Ring Road, Moolchand Flyover and Lala Lajpat Rai Marg.

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