Weather Update: Heavy rain alert for five days in many parts of the country, find out how the weather will be in your area

New Delhi : Southern Provinces With light to moderate rain Different places Heavy to very heavy rain is likely. Not so much , Tamil Nadu over the next five days , Kraikal , Separation of Puducherry and South Inner Karnataka Different places Heavy rain is expected. The fog may continue for a few days in the areas of Delhi NCR.

Gulf of Thailand There is a cyclonic movement. It is expected to emerge in the southern Andaman Sea. Under its influence, a new low pressure area is expected in the South Andaman Sea by Saturday. Its west North Move west and 15 November to the south East Bengal Bay is most likely to grow under pressure. Extensive climate change can be seen from this.

13 To 15 There may be light to moderate rain and separate Different places There may be heavy rain. 14 Separated from November Different places More heavy rain is expected. Also for the next three days Punjab , Haryana , Delhi Separate from NCR and Western Uttar Pradesh

Smoke and pollution situation in Delhi NCR is not expected to improve. Skymet Weather, a private weather forecasting agency, on the other hand, released its report. "font-family: Arial Unicode MS;"> Says that next 24 , There may be light to moderate rain. Tamil Nadu , Some parts of Karnataka With some places Heavy rain is forecast. Telangana , Light to moderate rains are also possible in Vidarbha and some parts of Chhattisgarh.

Also read : Study Reveals Surprising Reveal, How Salt Affects Brain Blood Flow

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