Your policy is to support terrorism: India fed up with Pakistan


  • India’s Pakistani counterpart Dr Narendra Modi Kajal Bhat barrage
  • The administration’s policy is to support and train terrorism
  • We will take appropriate action for the terrorist activities coming from Pakistan
  • Negotiating is possible only in a climate of terror, hatred, and violence

The United Nations: Pakistan is exploiting the United Nations Forum to spread false and malicious propaganda against India Kajal Bhatt was charged Tuesday.

He said India would continue to take firm and decisive measures against cross-border terrorism created by Pakistan.
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During the debate, he has pushed Pakistan against the issue of Jammu and Kashmir. He criticized the fact that Pakistan has openly supported, trained, financed, and provided arms to terrorists, which is known globally.

India wants to have a common neighbor relationship with all countries, including Pakistan. “But we will continue to take decisive and decisive measures against terrorism within the border.”

Pakistani ambassador to the United Nations, Munir Akram, proposed the Jammu and Kashmir issue during an open debate on the issue of ‘safeguarding international peace and security through intercepted diplomacy’. India’s Representative Dr. Kajal Bhat has responded sharply.
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“The Pakistani representative needs to speak again to comment on some of the frivolous statements made earlier. They have exploited the platform to make false and malicious propaganda against my country, and in the face of the hardship of the lives of the masses, mainly the minority community, in a desperate attempt to distract the world from the miserable conditions of their country, which terrorists enjoy.

“Any meaningful dialogue can only be conducted in an atmosphere of terror, hostility and violence. Pakistan is responsible for creating such an environment.

Kajal Bhat reiterated that it has the highest number of terrorists identified by the United Nations Security Council in Pakistan.
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‘I want to be clear about India’s stance. The entire Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Union Territories are integral and inseparable parts of India in the past, now and forever. These include areas illegally occupied by Pakistan. “We urge Pakistan to immediately clear space from its illegal occupation areas.”


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