Vaccine failed in front of new variant ‘Omicron’ of Corona? Pfizer, BioNTech made a big statement

Vaccines Effectiveness On New COVID Variant ‘Omicron’: At present, there is an atmosphere of concern around the new variant of Corona ‘Omicron’. Along with this, there is also a discussion on whether the current vaccine of Corona Virus will work against this new variant or not. Now Pfizer and BioNtech have issued a statement in this regard. The statement said he was not sure whether his vaccine would prove effective against the new COVID-19 variant ‘Omicron’.

However, as reported by Sputnik, Pfizer and BioNTech have promised to develop a new vaccine against the new variant in about 100 days. The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that it has identified a new strain of corona, B., which was first found in southern Africa. The WHO named this variant ‘Omicron’, which is a Greek word. 

Will make the vaccine in 100 days: Pfizer and BioNTech
The companies said in the statement, ‘Pfizer and BioNTech expect to develop and produce a vaccine against the new variants in about 100 days. are capable of, subject to regulatory approval." As Sputnik reports, Pfizer and BioNTech said they expect more data on ‘Omicron’ within the next two weeks. 

Pfizer and BioNTech said that it has been seen that this variant is quite different from the earlier ones. The drug companies underlined that they began working on adapting their vaccines to new potential variants months ago.

Many countries imposed travel restrictions on South Africa
This new variant of Corona was first found in South Africa, which has raised the concerns of the world. Many countries have imposed travel restrictions to South Africa to avoid this. America and Canada are also included in such countries. Apart from these, many countries have done this too.

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South Africa: New variant of corona increased tension around the world, scientists held several meetings to estimate the danger
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