The cost of crossing the English Channel varies: Smugglers Network

KELAY (France), Nov 27 (AP) The cost of crossing the English Channel varies depending on the trafficking network. It ranges between three thousand and seven thousand euros ($3,380 and $8,000), although there have been rumors of a discount.

The fee also includes very short-term tent rentals and food charges in the desert areas of northern France.

On Wednesday, 27 refugees on their way to Britain were killed when a boat sank in the English Channel. The French Interior Minister has called it the biggest tragedy of refugees.

The investigation of the incident has been handed over to Paris prosecutors who specialize in organized crime.

According to the UK Home Office, as of 17 November, 23,000 people had successfully crossed the channel. France has stopped about 19,000 people.

Mimi Vu, a Vietnamese expert who regularly spends time in camps in northern France, said: “Between the coronavirus and Brexit, “it is a golden age for smugglers and organized crime as countries are in chaos.” .”

AP Devendra Neeraj



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