New Covid Variant: How deadly is the Omicron variant found in South Africa? Know what is meant by ‘Variants of Concern’

New Covid Variant: How deadly is the Omicron variant found in South Africa?  Know the 'Variants of Concern' - India TV Hindi
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New Covid Variant: How deadly is the Omicron variant found in South Africa? Know what is meant by ‘Variants of Concern’


  • The first report of this lethal variant came to the WHO on 24 November.
  • The EU, along with the US, Canada, Russia and many other countries, imposed travel bans

New Delhi: A study is currently underway regarding the South African variant Omicron, which has created fear of another wave of corona all over the world. But so much information has come to the fore that it is more deadly than the Delta variant. In preliminary studies, it has been found that this variant has a total of 50 types of mutations, of which 30 are in its spike protein. For this reason, it is being said to be more dangerous than the Delta variant.

Higher risk of getting infected with Omicron

The WHO said the actual dangers of Omicron are not yet understood, but preliminary evidence suggests that the risk of re-infection is higher than other highly contagious variants. This means that people who have been infected with and recovered from COVID-19 can become infected again. However, it will take weeks to know if current vaccines are less effective against it.

WHO received the first report of this variant on 24 November

In fact, on 24 November, the first report of this deadly variant came to the WHO. This lethal variant was detected in a sample that came for the test on 9 November 2021.
After this the study on this virus intensified and WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tweeted from his official Twitter handle that the new Kovid-19 variant has a large number of mutations of Omicron, some of which are quite significant. It is worrisome. That’s why we have to be aware of the vaccine.

Meaning of variant of concern

The Technical Advisory Group working on the corona virus held a meeting to discuss the new variant and advised the WHO to call it a variant of concern. After this WHO named it Omicron. Variant of concern means there is a need to be very alert about the virus. In this, countries will have to share the genome sequence and report its cases to the World Health Organization. To understand its impact, a thorough investigation will have to be done so that the right arrangements can be made keeping in mind its risks and public health.

Many countries imposed travel restrictions

The European Union, along with the US, Canada, Russia and several other countries, has banned people coming from that region after a new variant of the coronavirus emerged in southern Africa. The White House said that from Monday the US would impose restrictions on people coming from South Africa and seven other countries in the region. Biden said that this means that no one will come or go from these countries except for US citizens and permanent residents returning to the country.

More than 50 lakh people died

Medical experts, including the WHO, have cautioned against over-reacting before the variant is studied in detail. But after the death of more than 50 lakh people worldwide due to this virus, people are scared.


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