New Corona Variant: America praises South Africa, slaps China

America Praises South Africa, Slap At China: America has praised South Africa for quickly identifying the new corona variant Omicron and sharing its information with the world. This is a strong slap on the face of China because China has been accused of hiding the initial information of Corona. It is believed that China had hidden its information from the world for a long time after getting the corona virus. But, when a new variant of Corona was found in South Africa, he immediately informed the World Health Organization (WHO), for which America has now praised him. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor. During this, cooperation on vaccination against Kovid-19 was discussed.

US State praised South Africa
US State Department said, "Minister Blinken especially praised the South African scientists for the rapid identification of Omicron variants and the Government of South Africa for its transparency in information sharing, which should be a model for the world."

America has been attacking China regarding Corona
Let us tell you that America has repeatedly criticized China under the leadership of former President Donald Trump and now President Joe Biden. The origin of the corono virus is not accepted, which was first found in Wuhan city of China in December 2019 and then spread from there to the whole world. However, after getting the new variant of Corona, many countries have imposed travel restrictions on South Africa, for which it has now been said from South Africa that it is being punished.

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