Big scary scary dog! A fossilized ancient fossil under the sea


  • A huge scorpion fossil found in the South China Sea
  • The scorpion, which is 3.3 feet long, is 16 times larger than the normal scorpion
  • A dangerous animal that lived about 400 million years ago
  • A scorpion that cuts animals in the sea with its sharp forearms

Beijing: How large can the scorpion size be? The scorpion we usually see is seven inches larger. The scorpion, Heterometrus swammerdami, is as large as 9 inches. They are recognized as the largest scorpion species in the world. In many films, including the ‘Scorpion King’, he has created fictional scorpions larger than man. Is the size of scorpions really only palms?

Scientists from China’s Nanjing Geology and Ancient Environment Agency recently unearthed a scorpion fossil on the South China Sea. Its size is 3.3 feet long or about a meter! 16 times larger than the average size of the now-discovered scorpions. This scorpion is as big as a dog. What if the scorpion comes to us when we see a small scorpion? Don’t be afraid. This is because these dangerous giant scorpions no longer exist. They lived at least 400 million years ago.
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This dog-sized arachnid is named Terropterus xiushanenis. It is a relative of the Horseshoe Crab and Whip Spider, which exist in today’s world. Had the same barbed wire aggressive forearms. It belongs to the myxopterids of the group Euripterids. It had special links to hold its prey.

‘Our knowledge of mixtapterids is limited to four genera of two generations. All of these are based on some fossils discovered in Silurian Laurusia more than 80 years ago, ”the authors of the study published in the Science Bulletin. New evidence will be provided to understand the anatomical diversity of fossil mixtopterids stored safely.

It is speculated that this terrible sea scorpion may have lived somewhere in the Silurian age, 443.8-419.2 million years ago. It is a carnivore that lives under the sea and has large links of thorns, such as claws, which are used to hunt fish and mollusks.
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Some research has previously suggested that sea scorpions were once the largest predators of the era before the emergence of the barracuda and sharks. Researchers have suggested that, based on the fossil structure of Euripterids, sea scorpions were ingesting their prey with sharp saw-like ends in their tails.

In the future, it is likely that a large number of myxopterids are distributed, mainly in Asia. Other groups of Euripterids may also be found, the researchers said.


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