Biden-Xi talks: This is a big warning.

US-China fire of words flares up again. US President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping met yesterday. Although the discussion went smoothly, it seems that there was a war of words between the two over Taiwan. Jin Ping told Biden that he would not have been involved in the fire if Taiwan had collapsed. News is coming in that a warning has been issued.

What did he say? ; Information on direct and direct conversations between them. But the conversation seems to have changed when it comes to the Taiwan topic. & Nbsp;

[quote author=జిన్‌పింగ్, చైనా అధ్యక్షుడు]Some Americans are trying to use Taiwan to annex China. This is a dangerous trend. It’s like playing havoc with fire. Those who are engulfed in flames must not be burned. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; [/quote]

Biden replied ..

Biden responded strategically to Jin & Ping’s comments.

[quote author=    జో బైడెన్, అమెరికా అధ్యక్షుడు]The United States is committed to recognizing China’s One Nation Policy. In addition, the United States opposes actions that would disrupt peace and stability around Taiwan and violate the status quo. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;[/quote]

China One Nation Policy means recognizing China as a single nation. Joe Biden responded to both China and Taiwan by saying that the status quo should be maintained. He said China should not interfere in its sovereignty, saying the status quo should be maintained. Also, he reiterated the US policy that Taiwan does not accept independence. If China violates the status quo .. he shamelessly defended his statement that he would send arms to Taiwan.

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