South Korea

Korean Air Space Violation: Russia, China violated airspace, know what was the response of the Korean army?

Air Space Violation: The South Korean military issued a statement to the media on Friday, saying that it had killed two Chinese and seven Russian warplanes in its (South Korea)  Air Defense Identification Zone (KADIZ). After the infiltration, they landed their fighter jets in front of them in response, which Beijing called routine training. The […]

Korean Air Space Violation: Russia, China violated airspace, know what was the response of the Korean army? Read More »

Mobile Use: India is at number four in spending time on mobile, Indonesia has got the first place

Mobile Use :  Smartphones have changed the lives of people in many ways. Today it has become an important part of life of most of the people. Apart from chatting, calling and essential work, mobile has also become a means of playing games and entertainment. Whether at home or outside or office, you will be

Mobile Use: India is at number four in spending time on mobile, Indonesia has got the first place Read More »

Kim Not Using ‘Body Double’: The ‘Slim Dictator’ Story told by the Spy Agency!

Highlights: A North Korean dictator who weighs 20kg. Doubt that Kim Jong Un is using Body Double. South Korea’s intelligence agency says Kim’s body is not using double. Intelligence officials say the man in front of the camera is the original Kim Jong Un. Seoul: North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un has gained weight globally.

Kim Not Using ‘Body Double’: The ‘Slim Dictator’ Story told by the Spy Agency! Read More »

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