Latest asian countries News

Ambulance called 39 times in a year, the person used to dial the emergency number to avoid walking

Taipei A Taiwanese man has called an ambulance several times to go from a supermarket to a hospital. His intention is not to provide treatment but to use the ambulance as a ‘free taxi’. He wants the ambulance to pick him up from the supermarket because he ‘doesn’t want to walk home’, which is right […]

Ambulance called 39 times in a year, the person used to dial the emergency number to avoid walking Read More »

27 fighter planes of China again crossed the border, angry Taiwan also sent ‘destroyers’

Taipei 27 Chinese fighter jets have once again infiltrated Taiwan’s airspace. After which the enraged Taiwan sent its fighter planes to drive out these intruders. On Sunday itself, Chinese President Xi Jinping met top generals of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The recent incursion by Chinese fighter jets is being linked to rising tensions in

27 fighter planes of China again crossed the border, angry Taiwan also sent ‘destroyers’ Read More »

‘Taliban government wants good relations with neighbors’, Mullah Akhund’s first address, a big statement on women

Kabul The caretaker prime minister of Afghanistan’s Taliban government, Mullah Hassan Akhund, has said that Afghanistan wants to build good relations with the international community, including neighbors and regional countries. Hassan Akhund in his address said that the Islamic Emirate seeks good relations, economic relations and coexistence with all countries. Afghanistan will not interfere in

‘Taliban government wants good relations with neighbors’, Mullah Akhund’s first address, a big statement on women Read More »

Nepal has set its eyes on these three areas of India, Oli said – if come to power, ‘will take it back’

Kathmandu Nepal’s former prime minister and chairman of the main opposition CPN-UML, KP Sharma Oli, on Friday promised that he would “take back Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh regions from India through talks” if his party comes to power. The Lipulekh Pass is a far western point near Kalapani, a disputed border area between Nepal and

Nepal has set its eyes on these three areas of India, Oli said – if come to power, ‘will take it back’ Read More »

India got US invitation, Taiwan was also invited to discuss democracy, China got furious

Beijing India on Friday confirmed that it has received an invitation to attend US President Joe Biden’s ‘Summit of Democracies’. Sources say that PM Modi is likely to participate in this virtual event. India is among more than 100 countries that have been invited for the virtual summit to be held on December 9-10. Taiwan’s

India got US invitation, Taiwan was also invited to discuss democracy, China got furious Read More »

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