What was the atmosphere like in Pakistan’s dressing room after the defeat against Australia? Explain to Head


  • The players were disappointed with the loss against Australia
  • Batting adviser Matthew Head described the atmosphere in the dressing room
  • The hearts of the Pakistan players were broken

The Pakistani players were completely shattered after losing by five wickets to Australia in the semi-finals of the T20 World Cup. The revelation was made by Matthew Head, the batting advisor of the Pakistan team. “The atmosphere in the dressing room was very different in the opening match against India,” Head said. Pakistan won all their matches in the group stage of the semifinals, but lost to Australia. In which Matthew Wade of Australia hit 3 sixes in a row in the 19th over to give the team a great victory.

“I wasn’t surprised to see the players in the dressing room,” Matthew Head told bowling coach Vernon Philander. Because that’s what happens when you play from the heart and lose. It was heartbreaking when you go to a match with hopes and for some reason the result is not good. The players were looking completely disappointed.

The Pakistan Cricket Board has uploaded a video of the conversation. Hayden was named the batting advisor for the T20 tournament. “During the great win against India, they saw a completely different Pakistan team,” Head said. “Looking at the first match against India, as an outsider, the dressing room scene was completely different, the players were looking very calm, very relaxed,” Head said.

Philander said the price of stability within the players was seen to be slightly lower in the big matches. “If we look at it with the utmost sincerity, I think it was scary to watch such a big match, which was later seen in the fielding,” he said. This was the section we highlighted that could have hurt us. It proved to be a bit costly for us in the semifinals.


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