How on earth were huge mountains like Himalayas born? Big disclosure in scientific research

How huge mountains like the Himalayas were born on earth, it has remained a mystery for centuries. Now a recent scientific research has revealed that a strong explosion in the sea about 2 billion years ago helped in the formation of mountains. It also includes the Himalayas, whose peak Everest is the highest in the world. The research said that after the explosion, a large amount of plankton turned into a lubricating material, due to which the rocks kept sticking to each other.

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, found in their research that about 2.3 billion years ago, the amount of oxygen increased greatly, filling the ocean with nutrients. This gave birth to plankton. Once the plankton died, they fell to the bottom of the ocean and graphite was formed. This graphite played an important role in joining the stones together.

After this, over millions of years, the giant stone slabs kept sticking on each other. From this, the giant mountains were born. Professor John Parnell, who did this research, said that the mountains are an essential part of the earth, but the chain of big mountains started forming 2 billion years ago. He said that the geological evidence of this period gives evidence of this.

The formation of mountains is usually associated with the collision of tectonic plates to form huge slabs of stone and they rise towards the sky. The researchers said that plankton played an important role in forming the natural structure. The Great Oxidation Event is a time period when the amount of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere and shallow seas increased. This event happened 2.3 billion years ago. This research is published in the journal Nature.


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