2400 years old remains of the grand temple of King Pharaoh found in Egypt, mysterious inscriptions are written


  • Archaeologists in Egypt have found 2,400-year-old remains of King Pharaoh’s grand temple
  • There are many carved stones in these relics on which mysterious inscriptions are made.
  • This discovery has been carried out by a team of Egyptian and German experts in Heliopolis.

In Egypt, the land of the pyramids, archaeologists have found the 2,400-year-old remains of the grand temple of King Pharaoh. There are many carved stones in these relics on which mysterious inscriptions are made. This discovery has been carried out by a team of Egyptian and German experts. These relics have been found at the Mataria site in Heliopolis. In ancient times, Mataraya was a part of the ancient Heliopolis.

These carved stones and pieces are made of basalt and are believed to belong to the temple of King Nectanebo I of the Western and Northern Front. King Nectanebo I founded the last dynasty in ancient Egypt in the 4th century BC. The Nile river flows in the east of this area. The Department of Archaeology of Egypt says that these carved stones date back to the 13th and 14th years of King Nectanebo’s reign.

Hieroglyphs described in the blocks

Mysterious pictures made on ancient stone

langur to the search team One statue also found
According to Ahram Online, this time is around 367-366 BC. Experts who discovered it say that many stones have been found which have not been completely sculpted. Not only this, after the death of the king, no additional work was done on him. This team has also found a statue of a langur. Apart from this, the tomb of Lord Shu and Goddess Tefnut has also been found. It was built by King Pasmatik II.

King Pasmatik II ruled between 595 and 589 BC. King Nectanebo I spent much of his reign at war with the Achaemenid Empire. The rulers of the Achaemenid Empire were from Persia and wanted to capture Egypt. King Nectanebo I completed many temples and construction projects in his kingdom. It also includes the Temple of Isis which is near Aswan.


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