This is the balancing rock, even an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 could not shake it, mystery to the world

Mangaleshwar Gajbhiye
There is a balancing rock in Jabalpur, MP, popularly known as Sanskardhani. The balance is such that even the tremors of the biggest earthquake have not shaken it till date. A large number of tourists come here to see this secret. There is a lot of crowd of tourists especially during the holidays. For years this stone has remained in one place. Many experts have tried to solve its mystery. His answer here is that it is held up due to the force of gravity.

this stone never moves

The earthquake of 22 May 1997 caused great destruction in Jabalpur. Many buildings were torn to the ground by the tremors of the earthquake. 40 people had died. There was only one balancing rock in the whole city, which was not affected by the earthquake. The magnitude of the 1997 earthquake was 6.2. But this stone did not stagger from its place. This is the reason why it is called balancing rock.

This balancing rock is near Durgavati Fort.

Jabalpur city is world famous for granite rocks. The city is surrounded by granite rocks. Located in the middle of these granite rocks is the fort of Queen Durgavati in the hills of Madan Mahal. Balance Rock is located near the fort of Rani Durgavati. People from all over the country come to see this balance rock.

It is included in the three balance rocks of Asia.

Jabalpur-based Balance Rock is one of the three Balance Rocks in Asia, all three Balance Rocks are present only in India. People from all over the world come to Jabalpur to see this balance rock and are amazed to see it. One rock is balanced on top of another rock. For years, this rock has remained on top of another rock in the same way, which till date has not been shaken by natural disaster.

looks like it will fall

A balancing rock is such a stone, which looks like it can fall at any moment. Those who do not know about the stone are afraid to even get close. The balancing rock rests on only a few parts of the other stone. But even in thunderstorms and strong storms, these stones do not move. Even archaeologists have not been able to solve its mystery till date.

The stone has been standing here for hundreds of years

These stones in Jabalpur are like this for thousands of years. Archaeologists suggest that these rocks may have been formed by the solidification of magma. In the language of science, it is also called granite box. There are many balancing rocks in the vicinity of Jabalpur. Archaeologists also believe that Jabalpur is a very sensitive area in terms of earthquakes. In such a situation, some people also argue that it remains here due to the force of gravity.


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