Betul doctor posted in Mathura district hospital gave his life, family members accused the hospital management


  • Betul’s doctor Vinod Pawar gave his life in Mathura
  • Vinod Pawar used to look after the management work in Mathura District Hospital
  • On Tuesday, the family reached Mathura with the dead body
  • The family members are accused of the people of the hospital

MP (Madhya Pradesh News Update) A young doctor from Betul committed suicide by hanging himself in Mathura. The family alleges that the doctor, fed up with the pressure of the management, committed suicide in Mathura. Betul police handed over the dead body of the doctor to the relatives after the PM. The family members are demanding FIR against the management.

Vinod Pawar, 40, a resident of Mahadgaon in the Kotwali police station area of ​​Betul, used to look after the managerial work in the government hospital in Mathura. BHMS Dr Vinod had specialized in Hospital Management. Due to which he was given the responsibility of hospital management. On Monday, he committed suicide by hanging himself at his Mathura residence. After this, the family reached Betul on Tuesday with his dead body. The Kotwali police handed over the body to the relatives after conducting the test.

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TI Ratnakar Hingwe says that Vinod was posted in District Hospital Mathura. After hanging them and bringing the dead body here on behalf of the relatives, the test has been done. The place of incident is in Mathura. So the investigation and other action had to be done there itself. Betul police is setting up a road and sending the diary to Mathura. He has also expressed surprise over the body being sent from Mathura without PM.

When the daughter did love marriage, the angry relatives entered the house and fired the husband with bullets, even after pleading for protection from the police.
Anand Kodale, a relative of the deceased Vinod, said that Dr Vinod was working under heavy pressure from the management for a few days. A new officer was posted in his hospital. Who was bothering about work. Vinod was under the same pressure. Due to which he had to commit suicide. Vinod’s wife was alone in Mathura. So the dead body was called here and the PM was made. They will file a case of harassment against the management.


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