Semiya Kesari Recipe : Sankranti Special Semiya Kesari.. cooked deliciously.. eat comfortably

Semiya Kesari Recipe : Sankranti Special Semiya Kesari.. cooked deliciously.. eat comfortably

Sankaranthi Special Traditional Recipe : Semya Kesari is the best option if you want to make a quick, easy and tasty recipe whether it is for functions or pujas at home. It does not require much other ingredients to make it. Tasty Kesari can be made with almost all household ingredients. If you follow some instructions in making it, its taste will be more amazing. During Sankranthi (Makara Sankranthi 2024) when you are busy with work, making these simple recipes will be very useful for you as prasad and sweet. And how to make it? Now let's know what are the required ingredients.

Ingredients required

Semya – 2 cups

Water – 2.5 cups 

< p>Sugar – 1 cup

Saffron flower – pinch

Cardamom powder – half teaspoon

Ghee – quarter cup

Cashews – 10

Raisins – 10

Preparation Method

First light the stove and put a bowl on it and boil water in it. Now light another stove.. place a kadai on it.. add two spoons of ghee. When it gets hot, add cashews and raisins.. fry till golden color. Once they are roasted well, remove from the pan and keep aside. Now in the same kadai add semaya and roast it. Roast for 5 minutes on medium flame. There is no need for the cysts to become very red. If so, if they are left like that and move to the side, they will change, so keep a little distance and roast well. 

Stop the stove of boiling water.. Put that water in the kadai of the roasting semya. Mix well without lumps. After that the semya should be boiled well. The mixture should be stirred till it absorbs the water completely and becomes thick. Remember to let the mixture simmer without stirring. Add sugar to the cooked semya and mix well. You can also use jaggery instead of sugar. Let the sugar dissolve completely. The sugar will make the mixture a bit runny. 

The mixture should be stirred without sticking. Add saffron flower, cardamom powder and mix while the sugar is completely dissolved. Saffron saffron gives a nice golden color. Besides, saffron enhances the taste. You can add colors if you want. Add roasted cashews and raisins to the mixture and turn off the stove. That's all hot Kesari is ready. You can eat it hot. It stays good for the next day too. But it can be eaten directly or enjoyed with vanilla ice cream. 

Also Read : Bhogi Special Sugar Pongali.. Follow this recipe to make an offering

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