Menstrual Leaves: Should women be given monthly leaves or not? Debate again with Smriti Irani's comments

Menstrual Leaves: Should women be given monthly leaves or not?  Debate again with Smriti Irani's comments

Paid Menstrual Leaves:

What is Smriti Irani? 

Menstrual Leaves for female employees ) to give or not..? This is the discussion all over the country for almost three days. Although this is always a debate, recently the mention of this in the Lok Sabha is once again being debated. Answering a question asked by an MP, Union Minister Smriti Irani (Smriti Irani on Menstrual Leaves) responded somewhat strongly. It has been concluded that monthly is not a disability and discrimination cannot be shown by giving holidays. As many people support these comments as many oppose them. When asked whether the actual Menstraul Leave Policy should be implemented or not, everyone gives the same answer. That's the most common answer "Discrimination". Periods are actually a biological process. A normal process in every woman. It is an argument that seeing this normality as separate and giving them holidays is like showing discrimination. During period time, women suffer from abdominal pain (Period Cramps). Muscle aches can also occur. In addition to them, headache is troublesome. Keeping all this in mind, giving them holidays may seem right from a humanitarian point of view. But what about the situation of women who don't have regular period..? Doesn't everyone understand that if they don't take vacations, they won't get monthly..? Should the problems they want to keep secret come out? That is another argument. Women suffering from PCOS do not get regular periods. Some reports say that about 20% of menstruating women in India suffer from PCOS. And some women are questioning what about them. 

As early as 1992 in Bihar‌…

No matter what the argument is, many companies have already given period leaves to women employees. ; Thought to give. Some people have prepared policies for that. Zomato is one of them. Actually period leaves‌ It has been discussed since 1992. At that time the Bihar government brought these into force under the category of special leave for women. But… by then things have changed. They keep trying to normalize it as if it is not an incurable disease. The way of thinking about periods is also changing. It is argued that it should not be seen as a disability. The Kerala government has already taken a crucial decision. Monthly holidays have been announced for young women in universities. If we look at the case of students, many people support this decision. There is no reason for that. In some remote areas girls feel inconvenient to go to school and college during menstruation. In some schools, the toilets are not proper. Changing pads is hell. Some people don't even have a proper understanding of pads. That is why many people stay at home during the monthly days. In the more backward areas, however, they drop out of education completely. As a result dropouts are increasing every year. 

Self care‌ Leaves..

Only a few organizations are coming forward to give monthly leaves (Paid Menstrual Leaves) to women. The main reason for that is that if women are given four or five days of leave, productivity will fall. Some companies are asking if they are already giving maternity leaves..again what is this? Moreover some companies are not actually hiring women. If women are hired, they have to give period leaves. Paid paternity leaves are being given in North America and Europe. Along with these, parental leaves are also given. That's not all. The governments of the respective countries are taking strict action against those who have shown discrimination by not hiring pregnant women. Another debate is whether the Menstraul Leave Policy will be strictly implemented in India at the same level. Another interesting discussion is…employees should be entitled to paid period leaves instead of paid period leaves. "Self Care Leaves" Some propose to give. By doing this, there is no idea that we are showing discrimination. Productivity also increases. If we look at the foreign countries…in 1947, Period Leave Policy was introduced in Japan. Spain became the first European country to give 5 days of monthly leave to women. Apart from these two countries, this policy is being implemented in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Mexico and Zambia. But… in India, it is clear with Smriti Irani's comments that the government is not doing that. >There is a reason why the central government is so persistent. If this policy is adopted, it will be applicable to women in all sectors. No matter how it is implemented in other sectors, it is impossible in the unorganized sector. The owners of the factories are afraid of these holidays and there is a danger of alienating the actual women employees. Already in some states, factories are not hiring menstruating women. The government is worried that this discrimination will increase. That is why it is so opposed to that policy. However…some women are making another suggestion here. It is suggested to provide flexibility to work from home instead of giving holidays at monthly time. Otherwise they are saying to give flexibility in working hours. It is explained that this is a good option to some extent. Some reports in the past have shown that work activity is reduced by 5-20% due to women suffering from severe abdominal pain during periods. Such reports strongly recommend period leaves. But…the argument of some is to find alternatives. 

Also Read: There is no idea of ​​giving monthly leave, it is not a disability – says Smriti Irani

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