Health Tips: Food kept in the fridge remains safe for so many days, keeping it for more days can worsen health

Health Care Tips: Food should always be prepared fresh, but in today’s fast-paced life it is not always possible to cook fresh food. In such a situation, people prepare food and store it in the fridge. People eat food by keeping it in the fridge so that the food is not wasted. It is true that the fridge helps in preventing food wastage, but for this you should know the right way of eating. In such a situation, we will tell you here how many days you can eat food by keeping it in the fridge so that it does not harm the health. Let’s know.

To keep food fresh for a long time-Usually we keep both raw and cooked food together in our fridge.  Keeping raw vegetables and cooked food on the same shelf increases bacteria in the fridge. This can spoil the food quickly, so raw and cooked food should always be covered in separate shelves.

Finish rice in so many days-We consider cooked rice kept in the fridge as the most safe and long lasting food. But if you want rice to give you complete nutrition and also keep your digestion fine, then you should eat these rice within 2 days of keeping it in the fridge. At the same time, whenever you take out these rice to eat again within two days, then keep them at room temperature for some time. Eat them only after that.

Old roti can cause stomach ache- If you are storing wheat roti in the fridge then it can remain fresh for a long time. You can eat it even for a week by taking out the roti from the fridge, heating it and applying ghee.

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Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Please consult your doctor before following any such treatment/medication/diet.



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