Kanchipuram Idly Recipe : Kanchipuram idly..recipe is very deadly

Kanchipuram Idly Recipe : Kanchipuram idly..recipe is very deadly

Tasty Breakfast Recipe : Kakinada Kaja.. Atreyapuram Putarekulu is as famous as it is.. Kancheepuram Idli is also famous. Because instead of routine idli here, they make a little variety. If you want to have idli every day in your house, let them taste Kancheepuram idli. Two more idlis are eaten.

In this southern dish, cumin, pepper and curry leaves are added and cooked. Do you think so? This completely traditional dish.. if deadly in taste.. is at the top in terms of providing health benefits. Now let's know what are the ingredients required to make this Kancheepuram Idli.

Salt – enough to taste

Ghee – 2 tsp

Curry – 1 rebba

Agave – half tsp

Ginger – 1 tsp

Cumin – 1 tsp

Chilli – 2

Peanuts – 1 tsp

Kanchipuram Idli Preparation Method

Take a kadai and light the stove. Add ghee to it.. Add asafoetida, ginger powder, cumin seeds, black pepper, groundnut and mix it all. Now add this talami to the ready mixture for idli and mix well. Cover it and keep it aside. Let this mixture ferment overnight. In the morning, once again mix the flour well.. add salt. Mix well till it is mixed properly.. You can put idlis in idli steamer. 

These Kanchipuram idlis made with spices surpass Everest in taste. Gives a lot of taste to your mouth. These idlis can be pulled comfortably with coconut and palli chutney. Ginger and lemon wedges also enhance their taste. Its taste doubles when mixed with sambar. If you have a fever and your mouth feels sore.. you can make these Kancheepuram idlis and eat them comfortably.

They are also very good for health. Ginger powder used in talimpa removes throat problems like cough and cold. It also reduces breathing problems. Curry leaves, cumin seeds, groundnuts and ghee used in Taalimpu are very beneficial for health. So keeping a check on the routine idlis.. you can easily make Kancheepuram Idli and drag it.

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Note: The information collected from various studies, researches and health journals is provided here as usual for your understanding. This information is not a substitute for medical care or treatment. If you have any doubts regarding health, you should definitely consult a doctor. For the items mentioned in this article, “ABP Country'', ‘ABP Network’ Note that no liability is assumed.

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