Chanakya Niti: Those who spend more than income are always worried, what does Chanakya Niti say about money?

Chanakya Niti For Motivation, Chanakya Neeti In Hindi : Chanakya was also aware of economics. Chanakya was related to the world famous Taxila University of his time. Chanakya used to provide education to the students here. This is the reason why Chanakya is also called Acharya Chanakya. Chanakya had knowledge of politics, diplomacy and sociology along with economics.

Aapdthee Dhanan Rakshadhara Rakshadhnarapi style="text-align: justify;"The meaning of this verse of Chanakya Niti is that a person should accumulate wealth, only then he can avoid future crises. Along with this, Chanakya further states that a person should protect his wife even after sacrificing wealth. But when it comes to the protection of the soul, he should consider both wealth and wife as insignificant.

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