Anger Management: The growing anger after Kovid … reduce it like this

Months of lock-down process, life confined to home, fear of corona coming in, doubt as to whether it will subside when it arrives, suspicion of what side effects will be reduced … In such a state of mind both mind and brain go astray. Indulging in extravagant emotions. Due to this, seemingly anger, helplessness, lack of patience .. Many of these changes are seen in humans. Studies show that anger is the most common cause of death in most people. Do you, too, seemingly get angry over small things? But do this … it may control the anger a bit.

1. When it comes to anger, be quiet first. Focus on your breath. Take a deep breath and exhale. Walk back and forth for a while. Walking causes the muscles to relax a bit. & Nbsp;
2. Give yourself a & lsquo; Relax & rsquo; Say that. Or Aamir Khan in the movie Three Idiots as & lsquo; All Is Well & rsquo; Say it over and over again. These tips work effectively even if you look small. & Nbsp;
3. The more stress, the more anger there is. When your stress goes out the anger will subside on its own. Call your best friends and tell them all about your pain. Anger and stress go out like a bang. & Nbsp;
4. Do not continue the discussion with anyone when angry. Come into the room and sit alone. Do stretching arms and legs. Tightened muscles become free due to anger. & Nbsp;
5. Listen to the songs you like. Or there are a lot of comedy skits on YouTube. Keep an eye out for them. If you watch a very funny skit … along with that laughter, the anger also goes out. & Nbsp;
6. Especially keep nothing in mind. Let go of the sad, the happy. Otherwise the burden is greater and there is a chance that it will become impatient and angry. & nbsp;

Important Note: Health professionals, as mentioned in many studies, are presented here as usual. You should consult a doctor or dietitian if you have any doubts. You will notice that this article is just for your understanding.

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