Aluminum Foil: Packing food in aluminum foil? Know these things that cause heart palpitations?

Aluminum Foil: Packing food in aluminum foil?  Know these things that cause heart palpitations?

Aluminum Foil: Aluminum foils have been used well for some time now to pack food as intended and to carry it easily. Although their consumption in homes is less, restaurants, tiffin‌ Centers, fast‌ Food‌ Widely used in centers. Carrying food in these foils keeps it fresh for a few hours. You get the feeling of eating freshly prepared food without reducing the heat at all. However, quality aluminum is not used in the manufacture of aluminum foils. Made of mixed metal. Experts say that this may cause a lot of health problems.

What are the disadvantages of aluminum foils?

Food should not be kept in aluminum foils for more than 5 hours. If kept, it will allow bacteria to grow inside. Food spoils slowly. Also, when hot ingredients are placed in aluminum foil, aluminum can melt and get into the food. Experts say that it is not good to keep food in aluminum foil container as much as possible. Aluminum foils are tightly wrapped around the food to keep out air. As a result, the food is prone to spoilage. Moreover, a favorable environment is formed for the growth of bacteria and viruses.  

What happens if you eat food stored in aluminum?

Many health problems arise from eating food stored in aluminum foils. There is a risk of many diseases including Alzheimer's. Problems like Parkinson's, kidney problems, bone problems, and breast cancer in women occur.  Aluminum in food can cause brain problems. Aluminum also reduces the growth rate of human brain cells. Therefore, experts say that it is not appropriate to use aluminum foils as much as possible.

Use these instead of aluminum foils!

Use Tupperware, glass instead of aluminum foils for the remaining food. It is better to use utensils. They protect the food from spoilage and prevent it from melting due to heat and getting into the food. Food does not lose its taste. Hence, they are known as safe storage containers. However, experts say that tomatoes, spices, curries, pickles and dairy products should not be kept in aluminum foils as much as possible. Sand‌ They say that products like sandwiches, bread, cakes, muffins, roasted vegetables and chicken can be stored in aluminum foils. Experts say that you should try to store it for as short a time as possible.  They say it is not good to store for a long time.

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