Alpha Male Qualities : Do you have alpha male qualities? Is this what Animal said in the movie?

Alpha Male Qualities : Do you have alpha male qualities?  Is this what Animal said in the movie?

Alpha Male Definition : If you see the movie Animal.. is there a real alpha male? If so how to identify them? What are the characteristics that separate alpha males from ordinary beta males? Questions arise in our mind. To tell the truth, Ranbir Kapoor's character has been completely shaped by Sandeep. If we know about Alphamale, we will definitely understand this while watching the movie. But what exactly is an alpha male? Here's how to find out if you have those traits.

Alpha males are highly intelligent and confident. Their way of thinking is also very unique. Alpha males are also different from beta males in their preferences. They have clarity on when and what decisions to take. They take effective decisions even in tough situations. What are the important qualities of real alpha males?

Leadership quality..

Alpha males have leadership quality. will be A leader does not mean to rule like a politician. By birth they have leadership qualities. Not only in the field of politics.. in any field.. they play their own role in it. Alpha Male has the ability to take initiative in any topic, co-ordinate with others, be responsive to the team, and make a team depend on him. To make it more clear to you.. Betamale claims the work done by someone else as their work. Alphamale is the complete opposite of this.

Sandeep Reddy Vanga has shown this quality very well in the movie. To protect his father.. to make a protection around him.. he forms a team. While protecting his father.. he takes the responsibility of that team. This leadership clarity is characteristic of this alpha male.

Self Awareness

Alphamales are thought to be beautiful and self-confident. But not all alphamales are beautiful. But full of confidence. They accept their faults and move on. For example, they never bother about their color, or their crooked nose. I think that because I am this.. I will be like this.. and don't bother about what other people think. Accepting his faults.. he promotes himself.

Hero is also self-aware in the movie. After an incident, his ears become deaf. Also due to the accident, he gains weight completely. Accepting these two things at the same time.. The way he transforms himself is part of this trait.

Thinks of others..

An Alphamale is always the Center of Earth. don't think Along with him.. he always tries to take the people who believe in him forward. Beta male is not like that.. He thinks that he should go ahead.. No matter what happens to the other person. But the alpha male is aware of how to protect his people. If those related to him are down.. he takes a step down for them.. he makes them complete their work together. 

In order to protect his father in the movie Animal.. he talks to his brothers who were separated many years ago.. their talent. uses Hero's father tells them to send them out of the house but he does not send back the brothers who believed in him. 

Full clarity on choices..

Alphamales on what they want. With complete clarity. How far they will go for what they want. If we take food for example… we are conscious of how much we eat today… will help our health tomorrow. If it's a beta man.. they think if they are hungry at that time.. if they have eaten what their stomach likes. Alphamales think about the future and take their decisions. They have a complete and precise understanding of what they want. 
For example, in the movie Animal, convincing the heroine to marry, even knowing that it will cost her life, going forward to protect her father is also a hero's choice. Even if his father tells him that he doesn't want this protection.. he won't take back his decision. 

Taking a stand..

Even if his decision hurts someone now.. In the end, if he believes that it will make him better.. No matter how many people disagree with that decision.. Alphamale will take a stand. They have a lot of foresight. If he believes that his good will happen.. he will take a stand. Also, he takes the same stand in the case of those who believe in him. Communicates and tries to convince others. Even if others agree.. try to stop him.. he will not change his decision at all. He moves forward with full confidence. 

The hero character in the movie is almost like this. The director has designed the character to take a stand for his decision. He proves that self-confidence is greater than his horoscope. Some people who have seen the movie Animal are in the trend of why the hero character is shown like this. If such people know fully about Alphamale.. they will immerse themselves in the movie without any doubt. 

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