Omicron Variant: Now new variants of Corona raise government concerns, new guidelines issued by Ministry of Health

Omicron Variant Guidelines: In view of the threat posed by the Omicron variant of the corona virus, the Union Ministry of Health has issued new guidelines for travelers to India from abroad. The new guidelines state that travelers to India must provide information on the last 14 days’ travel history. It also said that passengers would upload their negative RT PCR report on Air Suwidha portal before the journey.

It has been placed in the category of countries from where additional measures have been taken for travelers coming to India. These include all EU countries, including the UK, South Africa, Brazil, Bangladesh, Botswana, China, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Hong Kong and Israel. Those arriving in India from these countries will have to undergo corona test at the airport and also wait for the report at the airport.

Must be in home quarantine. In addition, corona testing will have to be done again on the eighth day, and if a negative report is received, self-monitoring will be required for the next seven days.

Passengers coming to India from other countries will be allowed to leave the airport. They will have to do self-monitoring for the next 14 days. The guidelines state that random corona testing will be conducted on arrival of 5% of the total passengers on any flight in India.

All countries are upset after the revelation. This variant has been described by the World Health Organization as a matter of concern, meaning that caution is needed. The Government of India has held several meetings in view of the danger posed by this variant.

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