9,283 new cases of coronavirus recorded in last 24 hours, 437 deaths

Coronavirus Cases in India: Outbreak of coronavirus continues. Although , Now there is a slight decrease in new cases. Country Past 24 Hours Corona virus 9 Thousands 283 New cases have come to light. Previous 24 In hours 437 People have died. With the advent of new cases, the number of active patients in the country now stands at one lakh. 11 Thousands 481 Is done. Such Know the country

so far 4 Millions 66 Thousands 584 Death

10 Thousands 949 People have recovered from Corona. Also the number of deaths due to this virus 4 Million 66 Thousands 584 Is done. According to statistics so far 3 Crore 45 Million 35 Thousands 736 People have recovered from the infection.

so far 118 More than a million doses have been given

118 Crore 44 Million 23 Thousands 573 Dosage Anti Corona vaccines have been given. Also 3 Crore 39 Million 57 Thousands 698 People have recovered from Corona. The government strives to ensure that everyone receives both doses of the vaccine as soon as possible. So the government is trying to make people aware in many ways.

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