Modi advocates ‘One Nation, One Legislative Platform’, calls upon MPs to behave in India

Shimla, Nov 17 (PTI) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday urged the MPs and MLAs to follow Indian values ​​and through their conduct to give a message of awareness to the public about their duties, the mantra to give them the momentum of India’s development. relaxed me.

Addressing the inaugural session of the 82nd All India Presiding Officers’ Conference via video conference, the Prime Minister advocated “one nation, one legislative forum” and said that such a portal would not only enable the country’s parliamentary system to be technically but will also work to connect all democratic units.

Expressing similar views, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, presiding over the conference, emphasized on uniformity in the laws and procedures of all the legislative bodies of the country.

The next 25 years are very important for India, the Prime Minister said. During this, can we adopt a mantra with full commitment? Can we implement only one mantra in this… Duty, Duty and Duty.

Referring to the role of states in India’s fight against the COVID pandemic, he said it was difficult to win this battle without “all efforts”. He said that today India has given 110 crore doses of anti-Covid-19 vaccines to its countrymen.

Underlining the importance of unity in diversity of the country, the Prime Minister said that in the country’s development journey of thousands of years, it has been adopted that even in the midst of diversity, a grand and divine unbroken stream of unity flows and this unbroken stream of unity It preserves and protects the diversity of the country.

He said that it is the responsibility of the people’s representatives that if any different voice arises regarding the unity and integrity of the country, that they have to be cautious about it.

In view of the frequent disruptions in Parliament on various issues, the Prime Minister said, “The traditions and systems of our House should be Indian in nature, the spirit of Indianness in our policies and our laws will strengthen the resolve of ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’. And most importantly, our own conduct in the House should be according to Indian values. It is the responsibility of all of us.”

The Prime Minister termed “Sabka Prayas” as the “big foundation” of the role of the states in the federal system and said that only this should fulfill the resolve to take the country to new heights and achieve extraordinary goals in the coming years. could.

On this occasion, Modi also shared the idea of ​​setting aside time for healthy and quality discussions in the legislatures and said that dignity and seriousness should be fully followed in such discussions and no one should make political slurs on anyone.

“In a way, it should be the healthiest time of the House, a healthy day,” he said.

The Prime Minister said that democracy is not just a system for India, but it is the nature and instinct of India.

Describing the period of the next 25 years as “very important” for India, he urged the members of the Parliament and the Legislative Councils that when the country is moving towards celebrating the centenary year of independence, they should “in their words and actions”. The mantra of “duty” should be adopted.

He said, “We have to take the country to new heights in the coming years and achieve extraordinary goals. These resolutions will be fulfilled only by ‘everyone’s efforts’.

Modi said, “What once seemed impossible, is becoming possible today. That is why the dreams and resolutions we have in front of us will also be fulfilled. This is going to be accomplished only by the united efforts of the country and the states.” He said that this is the time to carry forward our successes, and complete what is left.

The Prime Minister said that about politicians or public representatives, some people often create an image that the leaders must be engaged in political upheaval and manipulation and tussle round the clock.

He said that if it is to be noticed, there are such people’s representatives in all the parties, who spend themselves beyond politics in the service of the society and the upliftment of the people of the society and this service work strengthens the faith of the people in politics. maintain.

He said, “Can three to four days in a year be kept in the house in such a way that public representatives doing something special for the society, tell their experience, tell the country about this aspect of their social life as well. You will see, along with other people’s representatives, other people of the society will also get to learn a lot from this.

Addressing the conference, Birla expressed his concern over the decrease in the number of meetings of legislative bodies and lack of detailed discussion on the bills and said that all political parties will have to take a decisive decision in this regard.

He also stressed on the preparation of a model document so that there is uniformity in the rules and procedures of all the legislative bodies.

Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh raised the issue of review of rules and procedures and referred to the assurances given by the governments in various legislative bodies during the last three decades and said that these proved to be “empty promises”.

He raised the question whether there is even a need for such provisions in the legislative bodies, which have no legal backing.

Harivansh advocated the provision of “sunset clause” in the laws and said that a sunset clause is also inserted in the enactments passed in many countries, which automatically lapses after some period. He urged everyone to consider it.

‘Sunset Clause’, is a provision of law that the Act concerned shall automatically lapse after a specified period, unless extended by law.

The 82nd edition of the All India Presiding Officers’ Conference is being organized at Shimla from 17-18 November, 2021. The first conference was also organized in Shimla in 1921.

Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Rajya Sabha Deputy Speaker Harivansh, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur were also present on the occasion.

Speakers, presiding officers of the state legislatures participated in this conference and it is to be discussed about making the working of democratic institutions transparent and strong.


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