Vitamin D: Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency in the body, consume these 10 natural foods

Vitamin D Rich Food: Vitamin D is very important to keep the body healthy. Due to deficiency of Vitamin D, many problems start occurring in the body. You feel tired and weak throughout the day. Due to weak immunity, you start falling ill quickly. Bones problem and problems related to teeth start happening. Nowadays, in the urban lifestyle, the deficiency of vitamin D has started happening the most among the people. People living in flats and working in offices do not get sunlight throughout the day, due to which there is a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. However, you can meet the deficiency of Vitamin D to a great extent by including food rich in Vitamin D in your diet. Vitamin D helps to make your body healthy, strengthen bones, boost immunity, overcome depression. In such a situation, you must include foods rich in Vitamin D in the diet. 

Foods Rich in Vitamin D (Vitamin D Natural Food Source)

1- Sunshine- The best and natural source of Vitamin D is sunlight. The body gets plenty of vitamin D from sunlight. To meet the deficiency of Vitamin D, you must sit in the sun for a while every morning. 

2- Egg- Eggs are rich in nutrients. Vitamin D is also found in egg yolk. To meet the deficiency of vitamin D, you should eat one egg yolk daily. 

3- Cow’s Milk- Cow’s milk is rich in Vitamin D. Milk is the best source of calcium and vitamin D. If you drink 1 glass of cow’s milk, then you get enough vitamin D. 

4- Curd- Must include curd in the food. By consuming curd, you can meet the deficiency of vitamin D. In summer, curd also keeps the stomach fit. 

5- Mushrooms- Many nutrients are found in mushrooms. Mushrooms are a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2, B5 and Magnesium. Vitamin D is also found in plenty in mushrooms. 

6- Fish- Fish is a good source of Vitamin D for non-veg eaters. You can meet your vitamin D deficiency with fish like herring, mackerel, salmon and tuna. 

7- Orange- To meet the daily needs of Vitamin D, you can also eat oranges. Vitamin D is found in sufficient quantity in oranges. You can also drink orange juice. This will also give you vitamin C. 

8- Cereals- Whole grains should also be included in the diet. Vitamin D is found in wheat, barley and other cereals. Your body also gets vitamin D from grains. 

9- Oats- Vitamin D is also found in oats. You must include oats in your diet. Oats are rich in fiber, which also helps in digestion. Meat is also a good source. Vitamin D is also found in significant amounts in cardliver oil. 

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

  1. Vitamin D deficiency leads to pain in bones and back
  2. You will have depression and sadness in your mind
  3. If your hair is falling heavily or turning white then it is a sign of vitamin D deficiency
  4. If the muscles start to hurt, then it is a sign of vitamin D deficiency
  5. Vitamin D deficiency leads to delayed wound healing
  6. Immune system starts to weaken, which makes you sick sooner
  7. Vitamin D deficiency leads to lethargy and lethargy throughout the day
  8. The lack of vitamin D in the body causes bone pain.

Disclaimer: The method, methods and claims mentioned in this article are not confirmed by ABP News. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

Also read: Vitamin B12 Food: These symptoms are seen when there is a deficiency of Vitamin B-12, include these foods in the diet


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