Huzurabad Politics: Huzurabad result will change Telangana politics! Litmus test for all political parties!

Huzurabad polling is over. They have their own guesswork on who will win. But the result looks set to change the politics of Telangana. Whoever wins has a chance to gain an advantage in the coming assembly elections. The loser is expected to come at a disadvantage. That is why all the parties contested the Huzurabad by-election as an experiment. Regardless of the outcome, it is safe to say that a different political climate will prevail in Telangana. & Nbsp;

Eeta is ambitious – a death knell for the BJP!

Winning the Dubaka by-election. The MLC election, Sagar, was completely slammed with defeat in the mini municipal elections. & nbsp; Now the BJP has another chance. Same Huzurabad by-election. KCR himself .. gave this chance. The BJP has never had strength in Huzurabad. Only 1600 votes were cast in the last early assembly election. & nbsp; But now rooted in that constituency, Itala Rajender is contesting on behalf of BJP. So … BJP is in the ring as a hot favorite. If Yitala loses here … how much damage will be done to Yitala .. more damage will be done to BJP. In other words, the BJP will suffer the most. Some analysts are already speculating that if Itala Rajender contests as an Independent, he will not get the support of all sections. He says joining the BJP is going to cause a lot of people to lose support. That is .. if the losers lose because .. the losers are not the losers .. the BJP will campaign. It does more damage. The BJP definitely needs to win in Huzurabad to rekindle the fallen hype or to make a name for itself. Especially unless KCR wants .. within the next assembly election. There is no chance of by-elections for MLA and MP seats again. There were no other elections either. Great opportunity to prove that the BJP has bounced back. If it loses, the BJP will face embarrassing consequences.

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Litmus test for TRS … Tado Pedo election for KCR! & Nbsp;
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The Huzurabad by-election was won by KCR itself. Why did they want to get rid of Itala Rajender so quickly but the by-election came. That is why Huzurabad is special than any other by-election. The BJP is determined to go to the polls in 2023 with a victory in Huzurabad. The BJP says it will wage a Bengal-style struggle. The national leaders of the party have already announced that their next target is Telangana. Dubaka wins by-election victory However, the TRS won the Nagarjuna Sagar by-election of the two subsequent MLCs. Those results left the BJP severely disappointed. That party is waiting for the time to increase aggression again. However, Kamal Dalam sees the Huzurabad by-election as an opportunity to bounce back. The TRS leaders had to be embarrassed by the aggression of the BJP leaders after their victory in Dubaka. Now the TRS chief is also predicting what the consequences will be if he wins in Huzurabad. That is why there are those who insist that the BJP should not be given a chance to win under any circumstances. That is why many key projects were undertaken, including the Dalit Bandhu. Harish Rao was given the responsibilities. Nowhere did he hesitate to spend. If there is a difference in the outcome of the election, the BJP will have to face more. If he wins, Samara Shankaravam will be able to fill up for early elections again.

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Litmus test for Rewanth!

Rewanth Reddy, who was appointed as the President of the Telangana Congress PCC, had to effectively overcome the dice rolled by other parties, not just his own party, to get the post. Now, with the Huzurabad by-election, the Congress party has to show even more political prowess. Rewanth Reddy is known as the only political leader in Telangana who fearlessly clashes with KCR. When he was elected PCC chief, the Congress Brought a positive wave to the party. There was a swing. Even among those with a general interest in politics, the Congress High Command was of the opinion that it had made a good decision for years. & nbsp; That means Rewanth Reddy … a lot of people have high expectations. & nbsp; Rewanth Reddy seems to have a lot of responsibility now. The first challenge before him is the Huzurabad by-election. The fight between TRS and BJP took place in Huzurabad. It has been a long time since the Congress party won there. Initially TDP won .. After that TRS became Kanchukota. But the Congress party has never had a great track record there. In such a place .. Rewanth Reddy is considered to have achieved his own victory in the first step if he can at least bring the Congress party to a situation where it has not won a tough competition. Otherwise you will be in trouble. & Nbsp;

Also Read: Record level polling in Huzurabad .. Calm except for sporadic incidents!

Radical changes in Telangana with Huzurabad result!

However, there is no doubt that the voters of Huzurabad are going to change the politics of Telangana this time. The future of many leaders depends on how interesting the outcome will be now. Huzurabad is now a hot favorite for everyone! & Nbsp;

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