Update Google Chrome immediately, if ignored, personal details may get leaked.

Update Google Chrome immediately, if ignored, personal details may get leaked.

Google has released a security update for its web browser Google Chrome on Windows, Mac and Linux. If you use this web browser then update it immediately. This update has been released for the zero day vulnerability named CVE-2023-6345. Due to this vulnerability, attackers can gain access to your system and access personal data. On Tuesday, Google confirmed in a Chrome stable channel update that it is aware that a vulnerability named CVE-2023-6345 exists in the browser that could leak user data, The Verge reported. This vulnerability was discovered on November 24 by two security researchers working within Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG).

2D graphic is affecting the library

As The Verge reports, CVE-2023-6345 is an integer overflow vulnerability that affects Skia, the open-source 2D graphics library within the Chrome graphics engine. According to notes on the Chrome update, this vulnerability potentially allowed at least one attacker to perform Sandbox escape via a malicious file. Sandbox escapes can be used to infect vulnerable systems with malicious code and steal sensitive user data. 

Update like this 

If you have already set your Google Chrome browser to update automatically, you do not need to take any action. If you haven't already done so, you'll need to manually update to the latest version (119.0.6045.199 for Mac and Linux and 119.0.6045.200 for Windows) within Google Chrome Settings. 

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