Have children got into the habit of watching videos on mobile? You can remove the phone in these ways

Have children got into the habit of watching videos on mobile?  You can remove the phone in these ways

The use of smartphones has increased so much around us that leave aside the elders, mobile phones are now visible even in small hands. Small children enjoy online gaming with cartoons on mobile, but this fun is emerging as a big punishment for the children. Let us tell you that excessive use of mobile is harmful in many ways, which has a bad effect on the health of children as well as adults.

Many studies have claimed that if children use mobile phones too much, their eyesight may deteriorate. Along with this, children may become irritable and may have serious problems like anxiety, depression and self-doubts. Therefore, here we are going to tell you ways to keep children away from mobile.

Encourage physical activities

If children are to be kept away from mobile phones, they should be encouraged for physical activities and outdoor games. The more children play outside the home, the faster and stronger their physical and mental development will be.

Choose something else for entertainment

Children mostly use phones for their entertainment only. If you give a mobile phone to your child for entertainment, then he will remain busy on the phone all the time to pass time. In such a situation, children should be encouraged to read TV, books and listen to songs on the speaker.

Computer is better than mobile option

If children need internet for studies, then they should be provided computer or laptop instead of mobile. Let us tell you that you can keep a good eye on the activities of children on laptop and computer and this will cause very little harm to the health of children.

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