Before Christmas and New Year, Instagram gave a fun feature to the users, daily story sharers should not miss it.

Before Christmas and New Year, Instagram gave a fun feature to the users, daily story sharers should not miss it.

Social media giant Instagram has given a new feature to its users before Christmas and New Year. The company has given users the option of a customizable template called Add Yours inside the story section. This means that apart from your story, you can set any template as per your choice and through Add Yours, your followers can also participate in it. That means they can also post their photos etc. If you have turned on the option to customize the template for followers, they can also change it in their stories. The information about this update has been shared by Instagram head Adam Mosseri in his Instagram broadcast channel. This feature has become available globally from today.

 Today, we introduced the ability to create your own add-your-own templates,” Mosseri said in the broadcast channel. You'll be able to develop and share your own custom, memeable templates by pinning GIFs, text, and gallery images. He also wrote that if someone shares the template created by you, you will be given credit. Mosseri said he hopes this will give people more ways to express their creativity and share what's on their mind in Stories.

Make your template like this 

To create your own template, first go to Instagram and go to the Story section and select any photo you want to share. After this, click on the sticker option visible next to the text icon and select any template by clicking on Add Yours visible at the top. The company has also added many New Year and year end templates that you can choose from. After selecting the template, you can pin or unpin the photo or text present in it. After pinning, no one will be able to edit the text or photo, only the person will be able to participate in it. That means, if you have created your New Year template and pinned it, then the other person will be able to participate in it but they will not be able to customize the template on Christmas Day or any other event or thing. When unpinned, users can change the template.

When we checked personally, we found this feature. If you have not found it, then update the app once. 

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