Work Life Balance: If 'Inemuri' is found in the office, employees are ready to work one hour more, companies will also benefit a lot.

Work Life Balance: If 'Inemuri' is found in the office, employees are ready to work one hour more, companies will also benefit a lot.

Work Life Balance: Increasing work pressure on people in the office can trap them in various types of mental and physical problems. To deal with this, employees keep trying in their own ways. But now a survey has revealed that most of the employees working in the private sector of the country want a short break of sleep to overcome fatigue in the office. He says that by doing this he will remain healthy and will be able to work better. 

Inemuri’ is happening in India also; Demand for 

In Japan this culture is called ‘Inemuri’ Known as. In Japanese offices, people take short nap breaks during work. This has helped in increasing the productivity of the employees there. Besides, the work culture of Japan also remains healthy. According to the report of Genius Consultants, in India too now ‘Inemuri’ Demand has started being made. This will not only help people get rid of fatigue but will also increase their working capacity. Employees will remain healthy and there will not be any negativity about the office.

Companies should give one hour power nap 

According to the data, about 94 percent of the people surveyed asked for a short power nap between working hours in the office. Only 3 percent people rejected it. Employees said that they face stress during work every day. Due to this, they start feeling tired very soon. Due to this, he takes many breaks during work. 

Known opinions of employees of these sectors 

In this survey, opinions of employees of banking, finance, construction, engineering, education, FMCG, hotel, HR, IT, BPO, logistics, manufacturing, media, oil and gas and pharma sectors were sought. In the survey, 82 percent of the employees believed that if companies allow power nap, their productivity will increase. About 60 percent of employees remain under stress during work every day. Only 27 percent of the employees said that till date they have not felt tired or stressed during work.       

If companies want, they can increase office hours by one hour 

Half of the employees included in the report said that they have no objection if companies provide the facility of power nap and extend office hours by one hour. But, 36 percent people did not agree with this. However, 78 percent believed that if they got a power nap, they would get more satisfaction while working. 64 percent feel that this will help them in creating work life balance.

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