Bhuvneshwar Kumar Became Father: Bhuvniki girl .. First good news for Indian pacer this year!

Indian pace bowler Bhuvi becomes father. His wife Nupur gave birth to a baby girl. Meerut District Cricket Association (MDCA) Treasurer Rakesh Goyal told the media. Bhuvi also tweeted. The girl, now born to Bhubaneswar, is the first child.

Nupur gave birth to a baby girl at a private hospital in Delhi around 9 am on Wednesday. Married to Nupur Nagar, Bhubaneswar on November 23, 2017. Both are currently residing in Noida. On Tuesday, their marriage ended four years ago. It looks like Bhuvi will see her first child on Thursday. Life on earth, both professionally and personally, has undergone some ups and downs this year. Kumar’s father Kiran Pal Singh died in May this year. New Zealand took three wickets in three matches in the recently concluded series. Bhuvi was able to give only 25 runs in his three overs. No chance in the next match. Bhuvi, who is coming and going in the Indian Test team, got a solid place in the ODI team.

Today we welcome the biggest joy of our lives. 24.11.2021

& mdash; Bhuvneshwar Kumar (huBhuviOfficial) November 24, 2021

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