From delicious dishes to accommodation… How is the special dhaba open for dogs?

Indore: The identity of Indore, the financial capital of MP, is about new beginnings. A new beginning has been made in Indore, which is famous for its cleanliness and taste in the country and the world. Indore Doggy Special Dhaba has been opened for pet dogs. Doggy Dhaba offers vegetarian, non-vegetarian, supplements as well as bakery items. Along with this, food home delivery will also be done for the dog. This dhaba has facilities ranging from dog’s stay to birthday celebrations. Now a large number of people are reaching here with their pet dogs.

In fact, this unique dhaba has been started by Balraj Jhala and his wife together in Indore, the cleanest city of the country. Here food for dogs is available in a special variety from the price of Rs.75 to Rs.500. Dhaba operator Balraj Jhala said that he got the idea of ​​starting this dhaba during the Corona epidemic. There is also arrangement for dog’s stay along with food here. In such a situation, if you are going out somewhere, then you can leave your dog here in the rest room.

Special dhaba for dog opened in Indore, see what’s inside

The customers coming here are also completely satisfied with the facilities of this dhaba. Doggy is very fond of the different dishes made here. Many people are coming here to feed their dog or to celebrate their birthday.

Rupan Bhatt, who brought his dog here, said that the interior here is very nice. Along with non-veg, my dog ​​likes the veg here too. If you have to go somewhere, you can also leave your dog here. The people of Indore are very fond of this restaurant of Dogi. The operators told that now good customers are coming here.
Report – Sanjay Kumar
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